Populate a Dialog with data from one or more tables


Populate the controls with data from one or more tables.

Use of this action is described in the "[Populating a Repeating Section from a Table]" guide in the RepeatingSection part of the UX documentation.


Action Properties

Populate Dialog Settings
Primary key source

To populate the Dialog you must specify the primary key of the record you wish to load. You can either specify an explicit primary key value, or you can specify the name of a variable that contains the primary key. If the primary key contains multiple columns, you must enter the primary key value as a ||| (three pipes) delimited list of column values. For example, if the primary key is Firstname and Lastname, you could specify 'Fred|||Smith' as the primary key value.

Primary key value

Specify the primary key of the record you want to load. If the primary key has multiple columns, use ||| (three pipes) to delimit the values. For example, if the primary key is Firstname and Lastname, you could specify 'Fred|||Smith' as the primary key value.

Variable that contains the primary key

Specify tha name of the variable that contains the primary key of the record you wish to load. You can specify a local variable, defined in this event handler, or a session variable. This setting appears once the 'Primary key source' is set to 'ReadFromVariable'.

Record not found message

Specify the message to show if the record was not found. You can use language tags in the message. (e.g. <a5:r>message</a5:r>)

Maximum number of child records to retrieve

If the Dialog has Repeating Sections, specify the maximum number of records to retrieve for each Repeating Section in the Dialog.

Show debugging information

Show the commands used to query the table(s) to retrieve the data to be shown in the Dialog and the Javascript response sent to the Dialog.

Capture raw data

Specify if the data that is retrieved from the table should be made available to your script. If you select this option, then the data from the table(s) will be available in a dot variable whose name you can specify. For example, say you specify a dot variable called '_data'. The _data object will include variables like _data.FIRSTNAME, _data.QUANTITY_A5INSTANCE1 (for data in a Repeating Section).

Dot variable name for captured data

Specify the name of the dot variable to use for the captured data.